Member of NCIP
Ali James Therapy
I fundamentally believe you are the expert on you. Together we will explore feelings, discuss choices and practice behaviours to access and strengthen your inner resources. Creating a safe, supportive therapeutic relationship with my clients is extremely important to me. I work integratively, meaning that I use a blended approach. My style is strongly influenced by current neurobiological research that promotes our innate capacity to grow and thrive. I work relationally, informed by Family Systems Theory, Buddhist and Gestalt Psychology, Emotionally-Focused Therapy, Attachment Theory and AEDP. All of this means we will work together in the here and now, helping you experience your emotions rather than just understanding them. We may explore your past and present ways of relating to others, and your beliefs about yourself and the world, many of which likely originate in childhood but may continue to ‘drive the bus’ of your life.