www.the-ncip.org - The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists

The Process of Joining the NCIP

The NCIP's Step-By-Step Joining Process

1.  Applicants must use the online forms to apply for an account with us, found Here.  When the applicant establishes the correct type of membership, we (the NCIP) receive an email to tell us you have opened an account with us.

2.  The Applicant must then complete the application form, upload their certificates, and provide two referees.  Please note that it is faster if applicants provide us with email addresses for the references.

3Once we receive the applicant's full application, we temporarily hide their profile on the website while we review their details and obtain the references. If we do not receive the application form within 10 working days of the applicant opening their account with us, we will email the applicant a warning that the application will be refused, and their fee refunded. at this stage, the applicant will have 14 working days to respond.

4a. The Registrar's Office will examine the applicant's qualifications and credentials.

  • With a qualification of Level 5 or higher and from a recognised organisation, the application is likely to be successful.
  • If the qualification is Level 5 or higher but from an unrecognised body, the Registrar will consult the NCIP's Training & Professional Standards Team for advice - the registrar may contact the applicant for clarification.

4b. We consider Applicants who have a Level 4 qualification with the following conditions met:

  • Minimum of 2 years in supervised Practice (private or employed).
  • Minimum of 250 Client Hours over the 2 years (excluding training client hours).
  • Logs of the applicant's Client, Supervision, and CPD hours.
  • A written statement from the applicant's supervisor, or workplace confirming their experience.

5. For those applying for Supervisor Membership, we require the applicant to have a Clinical Supervisor Qualification. - We do consider other accreditations/supervisor status the applicant might have had from other/previous organisations, so as not to have the applicant jump through hoops for us.

6. After verifying all the applicant's information, we will contact their referees. 

7. The Registrar then performs a final review and requests any missing certificates or information.

8. If the applicant's application is not successful, they will be notified, and we will refund the money paid, minus a £25 application fee. The applicant has the right to appeal via our Appeal Process if the applicant feels the decision is wrong.

9. If the applicant's application is successful, they will receive a Membership Certificate. Their account will then be live on our Register, and they will need to list their practice address, phone number, and main area of work - Members are reminded to add their photo otherwise they will not appear on searches.

Renewal Process

1. A renewal notice is sent out 7 days before the membership expires.

2. The renewal notice states the following and by renewing the member confirms the same,

  • Agree that your supervision, client, and CPD records are up to date as required.
  • Agree that you have not been convicted of any offence (other than driving) in the last twelve months.
  • Agree that there is no outstanding or expected professional complaint against you.
  • Agree that you are fit to practice (all of the above and medical fitness).

3. If the payment is taken from a valid payment card via the website, the renewal is complete, and a membership certificate for the coming year is completed and emailed to the member.  


Accredited and Senior Accredited Status

  1. To apply for Accredited/Senior Accredited status, the member needs to contact a member of the NCIP Operations Team, and we will make sure you have all the necessary information.
  2. The application is a portfolio that records the member's achievements such as client and supervision hours records and other important pieces of information that will demonstrate to the Assessment Team that the member's status should be elevated.
  3. On receipt of both the portfolio and the fee, the portfolio is forwarded to Jacqueline Jones who then liaises with the Assessment Team regarding this and then advises the Registrar of the outcome of the application.
  4. When the Registrar receives notice that an application for accreditation has been successful, the website is amended to reflect the member's new status, and an updated membership certificate is emailed to the member. 


Taking a break

If you wish to take a sabbatical or have other reasons for taking a break such as maternity leave or illness, for example, you may take a break from membership.  The Registrar will want an idea of how long you wish your break to be but within that, you may extend or shorten it by notifying the Registrar. 

If you re-join within that time, we will reinstate your membership ensuring that you meet the conditions in the renewal process. If it is longer than advised we will ask you to go through the joining process.  

Please note: Under our Privacy Policy, we retain your data for thirteen months after you have left us.

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