www.the-ncip.org - The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists

Setting Training Standards in the UK

There is currently no statutory regulation of the practice of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, or counselling in the UK and anyone may refer to themselves under these titles. There is no legislation to prevent this and none is presently envisaged. The British Government would prefer each of the alternative therapies to organise into single bodies, which would become self-regulating.

Many courses require the student to be in personal therapy (some for the whole of their training) which adds considerably to the cost. Some require additional fees for supervision or students’ clinical work, which again adds to the overall costs.

There are many “orientations” in psychotherapy and differences between counselling and psychotherapy. We recommend that prospective students should obtain relevant books or websites on the various approaches before deciding which appeals to them most.

The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists is actively involved in setting standards in the UK maintaining close liaison with relevant training organisations and professional bodies. The training courses accredited by the National Council count towards a qualification suitable for application for full Membership in the National Council itself. Accredited courses are obliged to meet requirements regarding a minimum number of classroom training hours, supervision during and after training, opportunities for group interaction, and the chance for students to experience and practice the type(s) of therapy(ies) taught on the course and there are regulations regarding a minimum number of core staff, complaints procedures, continual assessment, Code of Conduct, insurance and feedback systems.

N.B. Prospective students are strongly advised to consider the type of training they are seeking, then gather as many brochures/prospectuses as possible for comparison before making a final decision.  If you are thinking of undertaking any training, you can always call us on 0300 365 3635 and we can support you in making your choice.

NCIP Approved Training Courses

Only training course providers who appear on this site are accredited by the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists. Should you have any doubts about your training provider, please contact us on 0300 365 3635 for verification.

Please note: The NCIP does not warrant any Accredited Course and it is up to each individual to ascertain that any course of study is right for them. Each prospective student should make themselves fully aware of the contract that they will sign with the course provider. They should also be aware that this contract is solely with the course provider and is NOT with the NCIP.

For UK Accredited Courses click here