www.the-ncip.org - The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists


What is Supervision?

Supervision in the context of psychotherapy and mental health services is a crucial aspect of professional development and quality of care. It takes various forms to suit the needs of clinicians at different stages of their careers. The most traditional form is one-to-one supervision, where a single supervisor focuses on case discussions, skill development, ethical considerations, and the professional growth of one supervisee. 

Small group supervision involves one supervisor guiding a group of professionals who number a maximum of four, enabling peer learning and collective insights. Members of such a group may claim 50% of the time spent in group supervision towards the required supervision time for their practice.

Accredited members are advised they may peer supervise but are advised to also seek regular supervision.

Members' Requirements for Supervision

Any client work requires supervision. All registered members must have a minimum of 1 hour per calendar month, to account for up to eight client hours per month. Excess of six client hours per week in any calendar month (24 in any calendar month) requires 1.5 hours of supervision.


This framework is designed to offer flexibility and to smooth any peaks and troughs in practice so that supervision hours will even out to the requirement over the year.

Members and their Supervisors must keep a record of sessions - we routinely check members' records as part of our Professional Standards Review, to ensure correct protocol is being followed. If a member is also a CNHC registered therapist, they may also be requested these same checks by the CNHC.

NCIP Accredited Supervisors

All NCIP supervisors must adhere to the Supervisors Code.

If you are one of our members and wish to find an NCIP Accredited Supervisor, Click HereNCIP Accredited Supervisors have been carefully screened before accreditation is awarded.

Members may also choose a qualified or accredited supervisor from outside the NCIP. Supervision is compulsory and we sample our membership throughout the year to ensure that supervision is being carried out to the right level and frequency.

If you are a member, please visit the Supervision Guidance for further guidance.