www.the-ncip.org - The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists


We are careful with our Links page. We only put links here for worthy causes we engage with as an organisation or if the link may benefit members.  Should you know of websites we may like to add then please contact us at info@the-ncip.org

Empower The Invisible Professionals with lived experience creating social change.


Professionals with lived experience creating social change.

CALM CALM's free and anonymous helpline and web chat are open every day, 5 pm-midnight, where our trained staff are on hand to offer practical support for anyone who needs it.

(0800 58 58 58) thecalmzone.net

Arizona Trauma Institute  Professional CPD and Certification Training

SAMARITANS Emergency support for anyone in urgent distress


CNHC The NCIP is a verifying organisation for the hypnotherapy part of the CNHC PSA Accredited Register

PESI Online Professional Training Portal. (Please note members have a discount arrangement)

Coursera Online portal to CPD courses hosted by international Universities

PSA The home of the Professional Standards Authority oversees both statutory registers and voluntary "right touch" Accredited Registers