www.the-ncip.org - The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists

Make a Whistleblowing Report

How To Whistleblow

  • Please download and complete this Whistleblowing Report Form.
  • Please email the completed form to the Complaints Committee (CC) at complaints@the-ncip.com or phone 0300 365 3635 if you need assistance*.

Upon receipt of the report, you will receive an email acknowledgment within seven working days. The Complaints Committee (CC) will be unlikely to give a timeframe for the Whistleblow process.

If you have any concerns or information about a member, trainer, volunteer, or employee of the NCIP regarding the following, please use the form above to make a formal whistleblow report:

  • A criminal offence (Not spent under the ROA 1974).

  • Failure to comply with a legal obligation.

  • Safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults.

  • Health and Safety.

  • Damage to the environment.

  • Member not adhering to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

  • Deliberate concealment of information relating to any of the above.

  • Behaviour indicating a possible breach of mental health, care, children or equality acts, or any other protective legislation. 

  • Or any matter that concerns you about the behaviour of a Member, Training provider, Volunteer, or Employee of NCIP.

Whistleblowing reports are processed in the same way as Complaints, please Click Here to read the Complaints process.

* Accessibility

A whistleblowing report form is required for all formal whistleblowing concerns. The NCIP requires this form to be completed by either the whistleblower, a person formally nominated by the whistleblower, or one of our team working with the whistleblower.
