www.the-ncip.org - The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists

NCIP Supervisor Accreditation

Supervisor Membership

Accredited Supervisor Applicants

The applicant must be an existing NCIP Accredited Member to apply for Supervisor Membership

Supervisor Membership (NCIP Accredited Supervisor) requirements:

  • Hold a Qualification in Clinical Supervision.
  • A minimum of 4 years in Practice (private, employed or mixed).
  • A written statement from your Supervisor or workplace confirming your years in practice.

or, if you:

  • Hold a Qualification in Clinical Supervision.
  • Can evidence 4 years of membership with the NCIP or other recognised professional association.

Do You Meet The Criteria?

If you meet the criteria for Accredited Supervisor Status, then please apply by downloading the form below.

Please attach any certificate evidence you have and email all documents together to info@the-ncip.com. There is an administration fee of £100 which is required upon application.


Looking for Supervisor Training?

If you are looking for an Accredited Supervisor course, please see our Accredited Courses page.