www.the-ncip.org - The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists

NCIP Mission Statement

We are perfectly positioned to empower and support practitioners in this developing and ever increasingly, well-evidenced field

In a manner underpinned with an ethos of robust public protection and self-reflection at all levels. 

NCIP was established in 1971 making us one of the original societies of its type in the UK

We are a national association with a register of therapists and coaches that potential clients can confidently refer to. The NCIP is dedicated to advancing the development of quality, service-driven, integrative, and multi-modal Psychotherapy provision. This is illustrated by working models of solution-focused, holistic, and specialist levels of professional therapy service and characterised by evidence-based, yet holistic working practices. 

Most schools of psychological thought are represented within our membership and a wide variety of therapeutic approaches are offered. We do not legislate against any model of therapy, providing the practitioner comes under the classification of psychotherapist and is suitably qualified to our standards. We are here to protect the public and support our members.


To become a member of the NCIP Click Here.

NCIP Strategic Objectives

Our Strategic Objectives Are:

  • To protect the public, patients/clients, and registrants/members.
  • To support the profession through our high standards.
  • To maintain, strengthen, and enhance public confidence in the NCIP and the profession.
  • To uphold proper standards of conduct and behaviour of our members.  
  • To maintain a strong relationship with regulators and other registers.
  • To continuously develop competence in a highly skilled and diverse membership.
  • To maintain a skilled and motivated team to protect the public and support our members. 
  • To seek continuous improvement and growth in the good governance of the organisation. 
  • To seek continuous improvement in the way we protect the public and support our members.