1. Is the conversation secure? Is my software secure? Not all virtual platforms are encrypted and secure.
2. Can my work be overheard? Can I secure the room and/or use headphones and a microphone to a good enough standard?
3. Are all devices like Amazon, Cortana, and Google Assistant on privacy or turned off so they are not listening in?
4. Are notes being kept secure as you would in the clinic?
5. Is the computer or other device secure when not in use?
6. Is the conversation environment to an appropriate professional standard? Think about connection, presentation, and visible environment (background, your dress, lighting, etc.)
7. Have I taken reasonable steps to prevent interruption as I would in the clinic?
8. If using hypnotic or visualisation methods, have you instructed your client in alternative tools to self-manage any trance or state if your internet connection was to drop?
9. Am I adjusting my tone, manner, and pace to the online environment? For example, pausing longer, and paying more attention to voice and facial expression in the absence of full body language availability.
10. Have I checked Insurance, National Occupational Standards, and Professional Association Ethical standards to ensure compliance?
Health and Safety
Just because you are working from home, does not exempt you from a duty of care to yourself. You need to ensure your working environment is safe and for example, you have a first aid box available and procedures in place for fire evacuation.
Information Processing
Do you need to modify your data protection policy? Perhaps you are using more emailed documents rather than printouts? Try creating a new client email pack containing your Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, client information form, and any testing such as Core 10, to send up front so you have sufficient information before you start therapy.
Therapeutic Executor and Referral
What is your procedure if you become ill? Have you got a business partner or therapeutic executor (nominated colleague) to manage your appointments if you become ill? Do you have a referral and resources webpage signposted to clients in the event of your unavailability? Who would inform your clients of cancellation if you are taken ill and how would they do it? Make sure this is reflected in your Data Protection Policy. For example, ‘I have a business partner with minimal access to the digital appointment diary, so they have the first name and email address of the clients in order to email them in the event of emergency cancellation’.
Working from home encourages flexible boundaries. Have you considered how to maintain appropriate boundaries for your well-being and to maintain your client relationship boundaries?