The NCIP runs Professional Standards Reviews on members to ensure effective record keeping, best practices, and continued practice competence. The Professional Standards Committee conducts this review.
Members are selected at random and are given 28 working days to respond. They are required to supply (evidence required):
Records of the last twelve months of client hours (from the date they receive the email).
CPD and supervision hours.
To produce their written client agreement (T&C’s).
The member will also need to confirm (no evidence required):
Registration with ICO.
Being appropriately insured (PL).
They have an acceptable complaints procedure.
Marketing meets ASA standards.
The public profile on the NCIP website is 100% complete.
Sufficient risk assessment procedures in place.
Practitioners working online should confirm that they have suitable qualifications to provide such services and appropriate supervision.
Evidence may be requested at any time.
If a member does not comply with the initial request, the Professional Standards Committee will send a warning notice via email, placing the member on a three-month probationary period. During this time, the member will be required to work under the supervision of their usual supervisor, with increased supervision for the duration of probation. The supervisor is required to submit a monthly confirmation to the NCIP's Professional Standards Committee, ensuring that the member is adhering to all required standards and that their professional conduct is at the appropriate level. If the member's performance is satisfactory after three months, no further action will be taken.
Registrar involvement for non-compliance
If the situation remains unsatisfactory after the three month probation, the Professional Standards Committee will inform the Registrar, who will issue a final written warning and temporarily suspend the member for one month. If, after this one month, the member fails to resolve the issues or provide a valid reason for not supplying the initially requested information, the NCIP will consider that the member has voluntarily relinquished their membership. Consequently, the Registrar will remove the member from the register without further notification or a refund of the membership fee.
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The practitioner has the right to reapply for readmission after 6 months. This may be subject to conditions on membership. Conditions are decided on a case-by-case basis.