1. Membership Commitment to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Agreement
When a member applies or renews their membership, they agree to follow the rules and conditions of the NCIP Register. This means they must adhere to the NCIP's ethical guidelines for psychotherapy professions for as long as they are members.
The declaration for all membership types is as follows:
I hereby submit my application for membership with the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF INTEGRATIVE PSYCHOTHERAPISTS and affirm that all information I have provided is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I commit to upholding the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists' Code of Ethics and the Membership Agreement.
I confirm that, at the time of my application or renewal, I have disclosed to the NCIP any practice review hearings, disciplinary procedures, or complaints made against me by clients, other professional bodies, or my employer(s). I understand that such disclosures do not necessarily exclude me from becoming a member. I agree to inform the NCIP if this changes throughout my membership with NCIP.
I acknowledge the importance of continuous professional development, peer support, and clinical supervision. As a member of the NCIP, I will ensure I hold sufficient professional indemnity and public liability insurance, understanding that failure to maintain such insurance may lead to the termination of my membership.
I have reviewed and agree to the Privacy Policy.
I understand that membership of the NCIP register is conditional upon the discretion of the council, which retains the authority to decline applications that are incomplete or fail to meet established entry criteria. The membership criteria can be found Here.
I am aware that all necessary documentation must be provided to the NCIP at the outset and updated as relevant. Should my application or renewal be unsuccessful, I understand that I have the right to challenge the decision through the NCIP's Appeals Process.
2. Code of Conduct
Members agree, accept, and obey the following:
Members Handbook
Code of Ethics
Supervision, CPD & Personal Development
Clinical Guidance
Best Practice
3. The Management of the NCIP may, from time to time:
(a) Determine, add to, amend, revoke, or otherwise close such classes and subclasses of membership as are deemed necessary.
(b) Determine the movement of members from one class or subclass of membership to another.
(c) Review and change the criteria for entry to each class of membership.
(d) Review and change membership fees, subscriptions, and other fees or payments.
(e) Remove a member from a membership category. The Management reserves the right to refuse or deny entry to the Register of NCIP or www.the-ncip.org website if they deem the person to be unsuitable. The Company does not accept liability for any loss, consequential or otherwise by this action.
4. Registered Trademark
Trademark Registration Number: UK00003474706
This is the declaration on how the NCIP logo may be used whether it carries the ® or not. This trademark includes the logo or derivatives, the initials, NCIP, and the full name of the organisation, the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF INTEGRATIVE PSYCHOTHERAPISTS. These Logos or derivatives, initials, and full names are for current full members of the NCIP and trainers and companies who have courses currently accredited by the NCIP and the following regulations must be adhered to:
The NCIP logo may only be used by Individual members whilst they are fully paid members of the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists. The NCIP logo must be removed from all communication, advertising, and online media if membership ceases.
Training organisations or companies who have courses of any type accredited by the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists whilst the courses remain accredited. The NCIP logo must be removed from all communication, advertising, and online media if accreditation ceases.
Training organisations or companies accredited for any CPD activities may display the appropriate logo whilst they are accredited. The NCIP logo must be removed from all communication, advertising, and online media if accreditation ceases.
Unauthorised usage by non-members or former members is not permitted without express written permission from the owner of the trademarks.
Failure to comply with these regulations would be a passing off and breach of trademark regulations and renders the unauthorised user liable to action by the registered owner.