www.the-ncip.org - The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

EDI Policy for NCIP



The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists (NCIP) has established a policy framework that sets out standards relating to equality, diversity, and inclusion. Compliance with these standards is consistent with the UK Equality Act 2010 (Scotland updates here) and aims to provide equal opportunities for all members, staff, and volunteers while contributing to the robustness of the integrative psychotherapy profession. This policy if also expected to be adopted and accepted by our accredited course providers, Students, Members, Supervisors, Staff and Board of directors and anyone involved or associated with the NCIP.



This policy is applicable to all facets of our operations, including but not limited to, membership, accreditation, training, employment and volunteering. It covers all protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010: age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

Protected Characteristics

According to the Equality Act 2010. protected characteristics are as follows:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage or civil partnership (in employment only)
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation.


Terms of reference:

What we mean by equality:

In the context of our organisation, 'equality' refers to the fair treatment of all individuals—regardless of their age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation—ensuring that everyone has equal access to opportunities and relevant resources. Our commitment to equality means that we strive to create an environment where every individual feels valued, their talents are actively engaged, and they have equal chances to succeed. This extends to all aspects of our work, including recruitment, promotion, training, and service provision, as well as interactions with members and the public we serve. While our aim is to provide everyone with the same opportunities, we recognise that achieving equality may require us to take additional steps or make reasonable adjustments to meet specific needs.


What we mean by diversity:

As it pertains to our organisation, 'diversity' refers to the rich variety of individual characteristics, experiences, and perspectives that people contribute to our community and workplace. This can include, but is not limited to, characteristics such as age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Our approach to diversity is focused on creating a welcoming environment where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, and where employment and promotional opportunities are determined by an individual's merit, skills, and qualifications. We believe that a supportive culture, which respects and values the diversity of its members, better equips us to meet the challenges of our work, enriches our collective experience, and enhances our service to the public.


What we mean by inclusion:

Within the framework of our organisation, the term 'inclusion' refers to our ongoing efforts to establish a welcoming and supportive atmosphere. Our aim is to cultivate an environment where each individual — be it an employee, volunteer, member or the public we serve—feels a sense of belonging, irrespective of their age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation. Our dedication to the principles of inclusion manifests in daily interactions, the ethos of our work culture, and the way we make organisational decisions. We endeavour to create a community where diverse perspectives, including political viewpoints, are not just respected but also leveraged to drive organisational excellence. 



Reporting Mechanisms

If any NCIP member, staff, volunteer, or member of the public experiences or observes what they believe may be incidents of discrimination, harassment, or victimisation, they are strongly encouraged to report such occurrences to the NCIP’s complaints department. All complaints will be treated with the utmost importance and confidentiality, and will be swiftly investigated.

Reasonable Adjustments

Public sector organisations and service providers (therapists, training course providers etc) are required to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that service users (clients, students, etc.) are not discriminated against on any of these grounds when they attempt to access services. 

Under the terms of the Equality Act, education providers and other services providers (e.g. therapists) which are not publicly funded are not bound by the same legislative responsibilities as publicly funded institutions.  However, as service providers, they are expected to make reasonable adjustments to support access. 

Where a requirement for adjustment is disclosed by a service user, service providers are required to accommodate, via reasonable adjustments in advance, where possible. If a service provider is unable to make these adjustments it is imperative that they are clear in their marketing and during the intake process of any limitations that may prevent or challenge access (cost, staffing level or facilities). 

It is therefore important that this process takes place at the beginning of the relationship between the client and the service provider.


The NCIP’s Objectives


  1. Equitable Treatment: To assure that every individual is treated equitably, with dignity and respect, irrespective of their background or any protected characteristic.
  2. Equal Opportunities: To provide equal opportunities for membership, training and career progression, for all.
  3. Diversity and Representation: To cultivate a diverse membership that is reflective of the communities we serve.
  4. Accessibility: To ensure that all our resources, events, and accreditation processes are accessible, and if required, offer appropriate adjustments.
  5. Awareness and Education: To heighten awareness of, and education about, equality and diversity among our members, volunteers and staff.



Implementation Strategies

All points to be implemented by June 2024


Recruitment and Membership

  • Establish transparent and equitable procedures for recruitment and the accreditation of membership.
  • Strive for diverse representation across committees, panels, and other decision-making parts of the NCIP.


Training and Development

  • Include mandatory training sessions for staff and make available recommended training programmes for volunteers and members on equality and diversity.
  • Enforce integration of at least 1 module that focus on diversity and anti-discriminatory practices from Diploma courses applying for accreditation.



  • Offer materials pertinent to membership and accreditation in a variety of formats to cater to diverse needs.
  • Ascertain that event and training venues are accessible for individuals with disabilities.


Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Routinely assess the demographics of our membership to identify areas for improvement.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of this policy annually to ensure its relevancy and adequacy.


Reporting Mechanisms

If any member experiences or observes incidents of discrimination, harassment, or victimisation, they are strongly encouraged to report such occurrences to the NCIP’s complaints department. All complaints will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will be swiftly investigated.

If you have any concerns or suspicions, please use the Whistleblowing process or Complaints Process



The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists is committed to fostering an inclusive organisation that values diversity and conforms to the principles of the Equality Act 2010. Through this policy and continuous improvements, we aim to create an environment where equality and diversity are not merely terms but are fundamental to our ethos.


This policy was last reviewed in October 2023 and is set for the next review in October 2024