www.the-ncip.org - The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists

Diploma Accreditation Process

How we process an accreditation of a Diploma Course

The accreditation runs for one year, after which the training organisation will be asked to renew with a shortened form.  

Accreditation entitles the training organisation that has a course accredited to have an entry on to the NCIP website on the Accredited Courses page, and use of the highly prized trademark logo and name of the NCIP.  This logo is trademarked for the use of member and accredited courses only. 


Time Frame

  1. Email The Operations Team at Accreditations@the-ncip.com and if you have any questions then please ask them. The Operations Team (OT) will give you any guidance you need for your course to meet the criteria for accreditation. We are here to help and will email or meet online to help.  

There is no time frame for this part of the process.

  1. During this approach, you will be guided through the application forms so they are presented to us in a way we can understand the depth and flavour of your course.  

There is no time frame for this part of the process.

  1. Once your application is submitted, you will be invoiced for the Application Fee. Once paid we send your application to our Assessment Team (AT). They are psychotherapists who have trained to be qualified Assessors.  

We will invoice you within 7 working days of receipt of your application.

  1. The Assessment Team may ask for further information but will work directly with you to receive all the necessary information to assess whether the course meets our standards.  

They will ask for any further information within 14 working days.

  1. Once all the information that the Assessment Team requires is gathered, they will make an assessment of the course to satisfy themselves that the course meets or exceeds our Training Standards. 

          The criteria are as follows:

If the course has already been accredited by an organisation that has similar standards to ours, then one assessor is required to classify the course as accredited.

If the accreditation organisation is not known or there is no other accreditation then two Assessors will agree to accredit the course if it meets our standards.  

We will process this part within 14 working days.

  1. You will be notified of the outcome of the assessment and if unsuccessful you will be given a report on where the course falls short of our criteria. (This is unlikely to happen as the OT will work with you in the first instance to get it as close to the standards as possible.)

  1. If successful, then you will be invoiced for the first year of accreditation, and on payment will be sent a form for the website content you wish to have and also the logos for your own marketing. 


    One month before the course accreditation ends, the trainer is sent a Renewal Form which confirms the status of the course and when returned the training organisation will be invoiced for the first year of the new two-year cycle. Payment must be made within 14 working days to ensure continuity of accreditation.

Diploma Accreditation Criteria 

Diploma Accreditation Application Form