www.the-ncip.org - The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists

Sanction Protocol and Criteria


The Sanctions Protocol and Criteria of The NCIP aim to maintain professional standards, safeguard the public interest, and ensure accountability among its members and Accredited training providers.

Who Issues Sanctions?

The Complaints Committee (CC) Lead issues sanctions via the NCIP Complaints Committee email. In cases of suspension or expulsion, The Register will be contacted by the CC to request the suspension or expulsion to be actioned along with a finalised CC report justifying the sanction(s). The CC must also report concerns to higher authorities (e.g. legal intervention), and other organisations relevant to the sanctioned (both, where applicable).

Types of Sanctions

  1. Warning (Not Published): Formal notice for minor infractions.
  2. CPD & Monitoring and NCIP Recommendations (Not Published): Required for cases necessitating acknowledgment of misconduct and adherence to specific NCIP remedial actions. NCIP Recommendations may include, a written apology, marketing changes, and others where appropriate.
  3. Suspension (Published): Temporary removal from the register, NCIP will notify the member's insurer of the sanction, and request the member to cease all NCIP affiliations in marketing.
  4. Expulsion (Published): Permanent removal from membership for severe misconduct, with a requirement to cease all NCIP affiliations in marketing.

Published Sanctions

The NCIP Publish Expulsion Sanction

  • Published sanctions are found Here

Grounds for Sanctions

  • Ethical Breaches: Non-adherence to the code of ethics.
  • Professional Misconduct: Harmful or inappropriate conduct towards clients, members of the public, colleagues, trainees, or other organisations.
  • Legal Violations: Criminal activities impacting professional practice, (reported to authorities as needed).
  • Non-Compliance: Failure to follow organisational policies.

Compliance and Repercussions for Non-Adherence

  • Mandatory Compliance: All members must comply with imposed sanctions.
  • Consequences of Non-Adherence: Individuals who do not comply with sanctions e.g. point 2 in Sanctions Criteria below, will be suspended for 6 months with no reduction to membership fee.
  • Reapplication Post-Expulsion: Members expelled from the register, except for triaged Level 5 cases, can reapply for membership only after fulfilling the obligations of their initial sanctions.

Sanctions Criteria

The Specific Sanction Criteria provide clear guidelines for applying each type of sanction under the NCIP's Sanctions Protocol. These criteria enhance fairness, predictability, and transparency in the sanctioning process.


1. Warning - (Not Published)

  • Criteria for Issuance:
    • First-time, minor infractions of NCIP policies or code of ethics.
    • Infractions where there is no significant harm to clients, the public, or the profession.
    • Situations where a member demonstrates understanding and willingness to rectify their behaviour.


2. CPD & NCIP Recommendations - (Not Published)

  • Criteria for Issuance:
    • Cases where public acknowledgment of the infraction and commitment to rectification is necessary.
    • Situations requiring specific remedial actions, such as additional training, and supervision, or actions such as providing a refund, are relevant to the nature of the misconduct.
    • Infractions where there is a breach of ethical standards but no legal violations or severe professional misconduct.


3. Suspension - (Published)

  • Criteria for Issuance:
    • Repeated breaches of the NCIP's code of ethics or policies.
    • Serious professional misconduct causing or risking harm to clients, trainees, or the public.
    • Situations where immediate intervention is necessary to prevent further harm or misconduct.
    • Cases under investigation for more severe infractions where temporary removal from the register is deemed appropriate.
    • Suspension lasts for 12 months from the date of sanction notice. The individual may request that their membership suspension be lifted after 12 months from the date of sanction, by emailing the Registrar at info@the-ncip.com.


4. Expulsion - (Published)

  • Criteria for Issuance:
    • Severe professional misconduct or ethical breaches with substantial harm or potential harm to clients, colleagues, or the public.
    • Legal violations related to professional practice.
    • Non-compliance with previously imposed sanctions, including failure to complete required remedial actions.
    • Repeated infractions after prior sanctions (warnings, written apologies, suspensions).
    • Expulsion lasts for 3 years from the date of sanction notice. The individual may re-apply for membership after 3 years from the date of sanction by the standard application form.

Review and Appeals

Members have the right to appeal any sanction appeal, except for triaged Level 5 cases, decided by the CTO. The appeals policy can be found Here

Member Support and Rehabilitation

Members facing sanctions will receive guidance for addressing the underlying issues and support for eventual reintegration onto the register if deemed appropriate for the sanction.


Regular Policy Review

The Protocol and Criteria will be reviewed periodically to ensure continued alignment with evolving standards and legal requirements. The NCIP welcomes feedback on this policy to ensure the NCIP is continually improving.


Click Here to read about how the NCIP gives support and rehabilitation options for members, including those willing to rectify their mistakes and reintegrate into the profession.


Further Information and Contact

For more detailed information or specific queries, contact the NCIP Operations Info@the-ncip.com

This updated Sanctions Protocol for the NCIP ensures a comprehensive and fair approach to upholding professional standards, offering clarity on consequences for non-adherence and opportunities for remediation and reintegration while maintaining a strong commitment to ethical practice and accountability in integrative psychotherapy.
