Member of NCIP
Psychosexual & Relationship Therapist, Psychotherapist & EMDR Practitioner at
North Hampshire Clinic
Basingstoke, England, RG21 7PG
Psychosexual & Relationship Therapist, Psychotherapist, EMDR Practitioner.
Accredited Member of the College of Sex and Relationship Therapists (COSRT)
MNCIP (Snr. Accred)
I’ve been a therapist for many years and started my therapy career as a Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Life Coach, adding my Psychotherapy qualification a few years later.
I have enjoyed a truly fascinating and rewarding career helping people change their thoughts and behaviours for a better life experience. Using the many tools in my therapeutic tool box, I have helped hundreds of clients with many issues such as; depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, addictions, childhood wounds, phobias... and the list goes on. Strangely though, very few clients ever came to see me for help with sexual issues.
When I spoke to other therapists about this, they revealed the same.
Curious! Most people are either in a sexual relationship or would like one. I was perplexed.
Further exploration of this revealed that therapists, GPs and other health professionals don't usually ask questions about sexual functioning. Even though the very issues they are treating their patients for can wreak havoc on one’s sex life. How terribly ‘British’ of us!
Generalising I know, but we really are guilty of this reserved practice. Why don't we discuss sex with our patients? Are we embarrassed to talk about sex? Or is it that we don't see how important it is and just focus solely on the presenting problem. When we don't bring up the subject, our patients maybe don't feel that they can either.
Further research led me to discover that outside of London, there are very few therapists specialising in sex therapy, apart from the NHS psychosexual service, which unfortunately is very stretched and can't always meet the demand. This often results in long waiting lists.
Hence my decision to bridge the gap and meet a growing need. I completed the necessary post graduate diploma training and later became an accredited member with the College of Sex and Relationship Therapists (COSRT). I now specialise in this field and in 2016 opened the North Hampshire Clinic in Basingstoke, where we specialise in Sex Therapy and Relationship Counselling.
I have always had a very healthy outlook on sex and I don’t have any trouble talking about it. I am able to be very open and candid with my clients, and because of this, I find that they very quickly feel at ease. I approach my work with kindness, empathy and a little bit of humour, where it’s appropriate. I offer a non-judgmental, safe environment for you to explore your sexuality, your relationships and the problems that they may bring.