Member of NCIP
Owner at
Crocus Meadows Counselling Service
Nottingham, England, NG2 2EP
Essentially I am a human being I have had an interesting, some might say traumatic life and yet I continue to grow. I believe in people. I also believe we are all capable of becoming whatever we choose to be. I believe there is a need to own our capabilities. Then choose our own path. However sometimes life throws us a curved ball, quite often it is bereavement or loss of some kind. Then is the time when a stranger might be the best person to talk to.
I have had personal bereavements and circumstance that have been life changing. So I chose to volunteer at Cruse as a supervisor and counsellor/support - worker. I worked with bereavement care and complicated grief which involves all types of trauma. I specialise in trauma and post traumatic stress. The human capacity to overcome adversity and our innate resilience I find awesome, and inspiring.
I am in private practice: I am available 4 1-2-1 private consultations. By combining my counselling skills and naturual empathic ability with the intuitive the client is able to find their own answers. I am available for consultations either counselling or spiritual. I prefer to work with the person centred approach but I will intergrate different approaches whatever suits the client. We are all different and unique.
I am developing talks on the intuitive & spiritual aspects of counselling where these two different modalities overlap.
Specialties: Bereavement - Complicated grief, Trauma, Depression, Stress, Addictions, Anxiety, & Motivational work.