It is important when choosing your CPD activities to consider how you might quote your achievements afterwards in advertising, biographies and to insurance companies. Failure to be accurate could lead to complaints, advertising complaints or lack of insurance cover and might cause ethical issues with professional bodies.
Caution should be taken to ensure the nature of any course is clinical or directly applicable to your work. Awards at any level that are not directly applicable to therapy practice should not be misquoted as clinically relevant. Where awards are indirectly relevant (such as a philosophy degree for a therapist using philosophy guided psychological therapies), this must be made clear.
Stand-alone qualifications that are awarded via distance learning are not normally given the same weight as face to face or blended learning and caution should be taken where all training in that topic or model is distance learning. Practical underpinning training is required by most professional bodies and insurers for standalone awards. Blended learning balance during the COVID pandemic may have had a different balance of learning.