My experiences of combining EMDR and Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy.
For many years I have worked as Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Dramatherapist and Equine Facilitated Psychotherapist in the trauma field (domestic and sexual violence). Following an Advanced training in Trauma Therapy, I then decided to train in EMDR. The transition seemed natural and logical at that time and still is.
I am an accredited EMDR practitioner with EMDR UK and BACP accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist. I am also a qualified Equine Facilitated Psychotherapist and Trauma Therapist, with 25 years of experience supporting clients across many challenges.
I have worked with EMDR both in my private practice and in an IAPT service.
My journey to this point has been long and sometimes difficult: losing one of our horses (Blaze had to be returned to her previous owner), whilst Spirit and Luna then joined our family.
When my partner and I met Spirit for the first time, it was clear to us that he was bullied by some other horses in the herd. The other horses kept making him go round and round in a circle for no apparent reason. When Spirit first met us he straight away came up to us with his beautiful loving eyes. That moment was love at first sight.
The interesting part was that we went there to look at two very young horses, two sisters, as we were looking for young horses that could be a companion to our horse Sultana.
Sultana was distraught when she lost Blaze and needed a companion that could withstand her need to be “Alpha Horse”. Instead we found Spirit, or Spirit found us, as I would like to think in this story.
When Spirit first arrived he was visibly very distraught. He kept running up and down looking in the direction of the farm where he came (which is not that far and exactly in the direction of his search).
That was the moment that I decided to start bilateral stimulation with him. He straight away calmed down, like a human infant being soothed by a parent. That was the beginning of more EMDR sessions with Spirit to help him through the trauma of having lost his herd, his abusers and what he knew from the past, and start a new life with us.
I am happy to say that he has fully adjusted and our herd is now complete again with Luna. With baby Luna the family is now fully complete. Luna came to us after having been moved many times, not belonging, not feeling loved. Rejected since birth.
Supporting Luna has been very important in processing her attachment trauma. EMDR helped her in doing so and stepping into her power.
Sultana, Spirit and Luna are the best therapists for my clients. They are the wise, nurturing, and rescuing companions for many of my clients.
My work as an Equine Facilitated Psychotherapist is to allow the client/horse relationship to unfold. My role is very clear: I maintain the boundaries and safety of this experience and help the human to communicate with the horse (horses don’t need help in understanding humans - they know us very well, even before we do) by translating the horse's behaviour. Helping the client by setting scenarios where the horse and human could enter and find a way forward or further understand or for further self-insight. Horses reflect back all that is within our conscious and unconscious; The difficulty for the humans is to actually listen to what they are saying to us.
Horses reflect back all that is within our conscious and unconscious; The difficulty for the humans is to actually listen to what they are saying to us.
In this special space trauma processing will then take place.
For some of my clients working with story making and metaphors is an important aspect of trauma processing. For example, in Dramatherapy the work is also around allowing the client to create metaphorical journeys of self-discovery. Metaphorical so that the client and I can bypass the fears of actually telling me what the trauma is.
Story making and storytelling are important aspects of our human history, both primordial and current. Shakespeare is still very important to us and so is Date Alighieri with The Divine Comedy. So is the TV and film we watch.
In Trauma Therapy working with metaphors is paramount, hence Art Therapies being very successful within this field. This brought me to look at ways to included EMDR in my work. I knew that it was possible with animals, but I was wondering how I could do it with humans too.
Seven years ago, my first step in combining EMDR with Equine Therapy was interesting. I placed an ad for volunteers among my colleagues in the IAPT service and two therapists came forward. Both have given written consent for me to write this article. The aim of the work was focusing on anxieties. We worked on a 6 weeks contract plus an initial meeting for history taking and looking at what we might want to work on. For the scoring I used PHQ-9 and GAD 7.
Besides the initial meeting, all 6 sessions were carried out in the field with the horses. This meant having to take into consideration the weather (we had a lot of snow during that period) and cancel if necessary. Both volunteers were specifically advised that full feedback will be required at the end, as this was a research/trial opportunity for my learning.
During all sessions I experimented with ways of structuring the sessions:
At the end, thanks to my willing and flexible volunteers, I was able to experiment all that I could think of (I am sure I will find more ways as I will continue) and find a flexible structure that combines these two types of therapies both of which have specific protocols.
Ultimately the clients’ anxieties did improve: Client A GAD7 scoring: first session scored 12. Last session scored 4 Client B GAD7 scoring: first session scored 7. Last session scored 2.
The key elements of the horses’ presence during the EMDR protocol were very profound to the volunteers. Although both volunteers initially thought that EMDR would be the successful therapeutic tool, at the end they both found that the horses played a bigger role than EMDR.
The key elements, or roles, that the horses brought to this therapeutic experience were:
Years have now passed, and many clients have now experienced this type of trauma therapy. All the journeys have been amazing, and inspiring, and along the way, I have learned a lot.
Some of the journeys have been around treating horses and other animals with EMDR. Helping them process their trauma.
But one thing is clear to me: Equine Facilitated EMDR seems to process trauma quicker than classical EMDR. Fewer sessions are needed.
For further information you can contact me on
07903 598 324
Sessions are held near Tibshelf, Alfreton, Derbyshire.