www.the-ncip.org - The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists

Appeals Committee - How decisions are made

How Appeals Decisions are made


In the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists (NCIP) appeals process, the final decision is made by the Appeals Panel, which consists of experienced professional and accredited NCIP members and at least one lay member. The process for reaching a final decision can be structured as follows:


Composition of the Appeals Panel

  • To ensure a broad perspective, the Appeals Panel has a balanced mix of individuals; two NCIP accredited practitioners working within the field of psychotherapy and one lay member.


  • NCIP ensures that members of the Appeals Panel are impartial, experienced and any conflict of interest is declared at any stage of the review and prior to the Appeal Panel decision making process.    


  • NCIP ensures that all Appeals Panel members are not involved in the original panel decision process.


Review of Case Material

  • The panel reviews all relevant documents, evidence, and submissions related to the appeal. This includes the initial decision, the grounds for appeal, and any additional information provided by the Independent Evaluator (IE).


Deliberation Process

  • The panel engages in a thorough discussion of the case, considering all aspects presented and the applicable NCIP standards and regulations.


  • During this deliberation, the Appeals Panel Chair encourages all panel members to express their views and interpretations of the case openly and objectively.